As the son of renowned San Diego artist James Hubbell, Brennan began creating art as soon as he could walk. Even as a kindergartener, Brennan helped build Ilan-Lael, the art and nature center, which is now home to Anne and James Hubbell and Hubbell Studios. Growing up in the country, Brennan learned how to live and create in tandem with nature. With the nature-loving seed planted at a young age he continued creating nature-based art through early adulhood. Brennan attended Webb Academy in Claremont, California for high school, then went on to major in Fine Arts at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. In his twenties Brennan studied permaculture in Oaxaca, Mexico under the instruction of Chuck Marsh, the North Carolina-based permaculturalist and designer. As a father of two young children, Brennan hopes to pass on a love for art and nature to future generations. In his free time Brennan enjoys surfing and travelling.